Farmer Advantages to Grow 'Clenbuterol Free' Programme
MEXICO – A beef transparency scheme promising marketing advantages for compliant farms is aiming to phase out a banned growth promoter.Beef produced without Clenbuterol can be marketed as such under a developing ‘clenbuterol-free’ Reliable Supplier Programme (RSP), government officials have announced.
Through ‘preferential level marketing’ in supermarkets and increased slaughterhouse accessibility, National Health Food Safety and Quality Service (SENASICA) hopes to increase enrolment.
The programme wants to communicate a message of ‘safe meat’ to consumers.
SENASICA has confirmed a programme of workshops to garner interest in the programme.
Enrolment this year is targeted at 20 per cent this year as opposed to the average 10 per cent.
Producer meetings in Tlaxcala and Guerrero are scheduled for the coming days.
Currently, RSP monitors 372,925 head of cattle across almost 300 holdings across 28 states of the country.
The Mexican Association of Feedlot Cattle and the Ministry of Agriculture, both behind the programme, are communicating with the industry in a bid to increase RSP compliance.
Michael Priestley
News Team - Editor
Mainly production and market stories on ruminants sector. Works closely with sustainability consultants at FAI Farms