Australian Dairy Farming Overview-2012
The economic significance of Australia's dairy industry, regional variability, water management improvements and retail competition are the main issues seen in 2012, according to Ian Halliday, Managing Director of Dairy Australia in the first of several features on the state the Australian Dairy Industry.Australia’s dairy industry is one of the three most
important local rural industries, with a farmgate
value approaching $4.0 billion in 2011/12.
A 4% growth in milk production volumes—
the strongest growth rate in a decade—saw
9.48 billion litres of milk processed and helped
offset an average fall in farmgate milk prices
paid to farmers of around 2% over the season.
Dairy ranks fourth in agricultural exports—valued
at $2.76 billion—with little change in export
volumes or values over the year. Value-added
processing activities delivered an agricultural
industry with a wholesale value of dairy products
in excess of $10 billion last year.
In the local
market, estimated total per capita consumption
of the major dairy products of milk, cheese,
butter / blends and yogurt remained at around
300 litres per person [in milk equivalent terms].
Significant regional variation remained a
feature of the Australian dairy industry in the
2011/12 season.
Milk production generally expanded across the
south-east corner of the country with broadly
favourable seasonal conditions, plentiful irrigation
water supplies, and the impact of slightly lower
farmgate prices offset by lower feed costs.
Consequently, most farmers in the key exporting
regions saw the season as an opportunity for
financial consolidation.
However, the drinking milk regions of Queensland,
New South Wales, Western Australia and parts
of South Australia saw continued intense retail
competition, shifts in private label supply contracts
and processor rationalisation, all of which served to
undermine farmer confidence and supply stability.
Dairy commodity export prices eased through
most of the season and, together with domestic
market price discounting, lead to a large proportion
of farmers surveyed in 2012’s National Dairy
Farmer Survey once again citing milk price as their
main challenge in coming months.
Australian Dairy at a Glance
January 2013