Milking Parlour Hygiene and Management
The milking parlour is the roundabout of the dairy farm: it is a traffic junction. an obligatory passage. moving smoothly if well managed' Every day. the cows enter the milking parlour two or three times to be milked.The milking parlour is the place
where the farmer obtains the milk,
the end-product of the dairy farm.
Adapted to the cows, the milking
parlour is a tool to optimise milk
production. Adapted to people, the
milking parlour is an easy place to
manage, and a pleasant working
environment for milkers.
Profitability is directly related to
this cornerstone of each dairy farm.
Efficacy and quality of production
depends on good milking practice:
- Milking efficiency is influenced by time management.
- Milk quality is influenced by hygiene during milking and by the hygiene of the pipelines.
First, this article will look at the risks associated with poor parlour hygiene and management, then the need to satisfy will be detailed and, finally, how to organise and optimise the milking routine to increase profitability of the dairy farm will be considered.
Parlour Hygiene
As an example. let us presume a visit
to a milking parlour during the milking
process. The cows are dirty and
wet and the cluster is attached without
teat preparation. Some 30-45
seconds after entry the clusters on a
number of cows are ill fitting. allowing
cluster slippage.
During milking, two cows remove
the clusters before the end of the
milking. After a few minutes, several
cows are moving. and it takes one extra minutes before the clusters
are automatically removed (the
milker is in the barn to collect the
next cows). Teats are disinfected on
the way back to the barn. with an
automatic system.
In t his kind of worst case scenario,
the milking procedure is totally oriented
on speed and minimum work
load. The milking parlour is rather
small compared with the size of the
herd and they milk three times a day
which makes it almost constantly
The risks relating to poor hygiene associated with such a procedure include:
- Poor milk quality
Because teats are not cleaned before milking. dirt and bacteria from the environment enter the milk lines. This leads to the creation of biofilm and an increase of the total bacteria count.
Teat disinfection is not done properly, half of the teat ends are not disinfected after milking. while the sphincter is open and the risk of contamination is very high. - Mastitis cross contamination
Air inlet means entry of air and bacteria in the milk lines, modification of the vacuum, and risk of bacteria propelled directly into the teat canal (the sphincter is open!) Infection status of the animal is not known.
As the cows 'share' the milking parlour, they also share pathogens. Infected milk contaminates the teat liners, which is then a vector of transmission from an infected quarter to a healthy one.
Chronically infected cows, with high sec are a reservoir of pathogens for the herd. The defence system, the teat sphincter, is skipped during milking and this results in new infections. - Spread of pathogens
All the animals confined in a limited. dirty and wet place is ideal for germ transmission: from cow to milker, from milker to cow, from cow to cow. from environment to cow and from cow to environment.
The risks related to poor management include: - Poor stimulation
The milk is stored in the udder alveoli and has to be transferred to the cistern in between two mil kings. Under natural conditions, the milk let down is stimulated by the calf suckling the teats.
The oxytocin action is maximum after 60-90 seconds. Stressful parameters slow and even diminish milk release.
Adrenaline (the hormone released by fearful animals) blocks the action of oxytocin on the udder. No preparation of the teats, and disturbing or frightening noises can cause vacuum on the teat s, leading to bad teat condition and animal discomfort. - Long waiting time
The first cows coming to the milking parlour are milked immediately. whereas some cows are waiting minutes before being milked. The last cows are often the weakest: standing time enhances poor feet condition and increases lameness. - Poor working conditions
Being under time pressure is generally not associated with pleasant working conditions. A wet and dirty place is not optimal either and stressed and agitated animal s are more difficult to handle. Poor hygiene and deficient management have tremendous consequences on milk production. Some farmers are performing. while others are fighting to keep the TBC, mastitis level and SCC below the limits. What makes the difference? The key to success is not in different basic practice but by practicing the basics differently. Looking at the needs of a cow and the requirements for hygiene is a relevant approach to increase efficacy and quality of milking parlour hygiene and management.
The Cow's Needs
What does a cow need to give milk? Understanding natural cow behaviour allows you to take advantage of the natural ejection process.
- Calm and comfort
Calm animals are easier to handle and the release of milk also improves. The harvesting of the milk is more efficient when animals, people and facilities interact smoothly.
A comfortable milking procedure (correct vacuum, teat preparation miming the calf stimulation) is a pleasure for the cow. The milking time is associated with a positive feeling.
On the other hand, uncomfortable milking and a stressful atmosphere are associated with negative feelings.
Previous bad experiences are remembered by the cow and the same circumstances (the milking parlour. the voice of the milker) can lead to fearful reactions. - Habits
Cows are creatures of habit. They are reassured by repetition of the same order to enter the milking parlour and by the same milking procedure.
Constant change (different milkers, different practice, different group order) does not allow the cow to learn the pattern and to be confident. Routine is ideal to optimise the milking process' - Preparation time
The same routine performed at every milking for 60-90 seconds will optimise milk let down and speed of milking. - Short waiting time
Some 20-21 hours per day are dedicated to fulfilling natural behaviours such as eating, drinking, resting, standing in alleys or in the stall. Top productive dairy cows spend three extra hours at rest compared with average cows'
The milking routine has to be integrated into this schedule without disturbing too much of the natural behaviour.
Therefore, the longer the waiting time, the shorter the resting time and the lower the milk production. The cow has a strong need to rest and basically the milk is produced during resting time. Now let us look at the requirements for hygiene: - Routine for quality of the milking process.
- Time to prepare the animals. It is possible to combine the cow's needs and hygiene steps as these two criteria are highly compatible with the natural behaviour of dairy cows.
Optimum Organisation
Keeping in mind the risks associated
with poor hygiene and deficient
milking parlour management, and
considering the needs of the cows
and the requirements for hygiene,
we can deliver an optimum milking
Fig. I on page 17 describes the
basic protocol with necessary steps
for maximum hygiene.
This has to be implemented in the different farms, with various milking
parlours and organisation designs.
Time management and training
people are essential to reach an
ideal milking routine. Depending on
the size of the milking parlour, two
different approaches can be chosen:
- The sequential approach (each milker realises one specific step of cow preparation).
- The territorial approach (each milker is assigned to some milking units and he does the whole preparation for one animal).
The detailed and practical preparation
approach is preferably discussed
in-situ. with the data of the
farm. The personalised approach is
essential to guarantee the success of
the milking routine!
The two main parameters influencing
the profit made from the
milking parlour are the milk quality
and the parlour performance.
This is the result of a good routine,
respecting cows' natural behaviour
and complying with hygiene requirements.
Optimising the time organisation
and the interactions between cows,
people and facilities are valuable
steps that every dairy farm should
practice on a regular basis to allow
constant improvements and a return
on investment.
January 2013