Decision Making Crucial in High Milk Price Year
Farmers looking to take advantage of the high farmgate milk prices this season are being challenged by ongoing cost pressures and a dry weather outlook.In response Dairy Australia is focused on ensuring farmers have access to the best information possible around effective feeding and management options to make informed decisions as conditions unfold.
Dairy Australia Managing Director David Nation said the dry weather outlook for the remainder of the season was concerning.
“The outlook for continued dry conditions is likely to see ongoing pressure on feed costs. Conditions are favourable in some areas, but we’re urging all farmers to monitor their feed plans and use the resources available via Dairy Australia’s websites to make informed decisions,” Dr Nation said.
Dairy Australia has created tailored resources for farmers who have been affected by drought conditions and have limited access to pasture and minimal fodder reserves as well as resources designed for farmers where conditions and settings are more positive.
New factsheets and video content includes expert information on:
- Keeping cows on the curve feeding little or no pasture
- Buying, storing and delivering feed to cows this season
- Planning your forage strategy for summer
- Stock water – supply, cow access and quality
- Preparing for a long, hot summer
- Feeding strategy for maximum profit
Dairy Australia’s regional teams will focus on providing support – delivering tools and resources to guide decisions on-farm in relation to feed planning and management.
Regional activities are also being promoted through industry networks and communications direct to dairy farmers to assist in on-farm decision making this season.
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