Brazilian Cattle, Buffalo Herds to Be Vaccinated Against FMD
Cattle and buffalo breeders are expected to vaccinate approximately 87 million animals during the new stage of foot-and-mouth (FMD) vaccination, which began in most of the country November 1. Currently the total herd of the country is 216 million heads.The states of Santa Catarina and Paraná are released from vaccination against the disease.
Most federal units must vaccinate animals up to 24 months old, except for the states of Acre, Amapá and Espirito Santo, which need to vaccinate the herd of all ages, according to the Ministry of Agriculture's national FMD vaccination schedule.
This vaccination phase is historic as it will be the first time since the establishment of immunization stages in the country that the state of Paraná will not vaccinate its animals, following the Strategic Plan 2017-2026 of the National Program for the Eradication of Foot-and-Mouth Disease (PNEFA). The program foresees the gradual expansion of FMD-free areas without vaccination in the country. Apart from Paraná, the state of Santa Catarina, an area free of FMD without vaccination since 2007, does not participate in this phase.
It was published this Friday (1st) of the Federal Official Gazette the Ordinance 220 , which opens public consultation, for a period of 75 days, for the elaboration of Normative Instruction designed to update the general guidelines for fever surveillance. foot-and-mouth disease with a view to implementing the PNEFA.
The new statement should include the necessary changes to the updates to the World Animal Organization (OIE) Code of Terrestrial Animals. The suggestions, technically grounded, should be sent through the Normative Acts Monitoring System - SISMAN, the Secretariat of Agricultural Defense - SDA / Mapa, through the link:
To have access to SISMAN, the user must register in the Access Request System - SOLICITA, MAPA, through the link:
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