FrieslandCampina Supports World's Largest Maritime Biofuel Pilot
NETHERLANDS - A large Triple-E container ship is to soon sail 25,000 nautical miles from Rotterdam to Shanghai on biofuel blends alone. This is one of the world’s first pilots of this magnitude, saving 1,500 tons of CO2 and 20,000 kg of sulfur. FrieslandCampina has extended its support to this pilot.Hein Schumacher, CEO FrieslandCampina, said, "FrieslandCampina wants to lead with sustainability and we strive for a CO2 neutral 2050. We are a major exporter and that makes maritime shipping part of our responsibility.
"By partnering with our fellow members of the Dutch Sustainable Growth Coalition means we can really jointly work on an innovative pilot that potentially reduces our ecological footprint."
CO2 impact of shipping
Shipping accounts for 90 percent of transported goods and three percent of total global CO2 emissions, and is set to rise to 15 percent by 2050 if left unchecked. The CO2 savings of this journey alone equates to the annual CO2 emitted by over 200 households in a year or 12 million km travelled in an average car which is 300 times around the world. The voyage will take place between March and June 2019.
Biofuel from used cooking oil
The biofuel used in the pilot is a so called 'second generation' biofuel, produced from waste, in this case used cooking oil (UCOME oil). Second generation biofuel means the fuel comes from waste products. This can be used, for instance, as cooking oil, forest residues and wood chip waste.
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