FrieslandCampina Includes Women Farmers to Achieve SDG’s
NIGERIA - FrieslandCampina WAMCO and public organization IFDC (under the 2SCALE project) work together with pastoralist milk producers in Oyo State, Nigeria, to boost the quality and quantity of local milk and improve the livelihoods of farmers.Because of the important role that women play in dairy farming in Nigeria, the project specifically focuses on women and their needs.
This dairy partnership involves 1,800 milk producers, of whom 950 women. Women engage in many milk-related activities, such as milking the cows, collecting the water and processing milk into cheese, butter and fat.
The money earned from milk sales is usually spent on food and other household necessities.
The project partners brought in technology and give women (and young men) the opportunity to participate in technical, entrepreneurial and leadership trainings .
The project proved highly successful and has (a.o.) resulted in improved food security and nutrition (SDG 2), an increased income for female as well as male farmers (SDG 1, 5 & 8) and fewer conflicts between crop farmers and pastoralists. A win-win for all. Find out more about this project here.
Dairy Development Programme
For over thirty years FrieslandCampina – through its Dairy Development Programme – has been working with dairy farmers in Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe to help them to improve their livelihoods.
The company does this by optimizing the milk chain and by training and advising farmers to boost milk quality and productivity. More information on the Dairy Development Programme can be found here.
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