Kintyre Milk Producers Look to the Future

SCOTLAND, UK - Milk producers in Kintyre are committed to building a positive future for dairy production in the region.
calendar icon 19 June 2018
clock icon 1 minute read

In April, the co-operative First Milk announced that it was to offer its creameries on Arran and in Campbeltown for sale.

Within days of the announcement, NFU Scotland facilitated a meeting for producers on Kintyre and a further producer meeting was held last week.

Invited speakers were James Graham, Chief Executive of SAOS, Scottish experts in co-operation and collaboration, and Mark McDavid, a Chairman/Non-Executive specialising in consumer goods and services, especially food.

James Graham gave an outline of the possible options open to producers relating to the future of the Campbeltown Creamery following its sale by First Milk. With many years involved in the food business, Mark McDavid drew on his wide experience to outline to the farmers what the opportunities are for the award-winning Mull of Kintyre brand and how this could be developed in the future.

Speaking after the meeting, NFU Scotland Chief Executive Scott Walker said: "The meeting was well supported by the affected milk producers. The farmers have taken the decision to come together and are now working towards formalising a producer group.

"This will allow them the opportunity to fully engage with First Milk, Scottish Government, Highlands & Islands Enterprise, Argyll & Bute Council and, importantly, any potential buyers interested in the premium Mull of Kintyre cheese brand that backed by a fantastic story on provenance and quality milk production."

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