Cows Happily Outside at Opening of Farmer Season

NETHERLANDS - Campina celebrated the start of the farmer season with the first outdoor grazing at the farm of farmer Niels in Leusden on Monday 9 April.
calendar icon 11 April 2018
clock icon 2 minute read

Traditionally, this first outdoor grazing would have taken place on 20 March – the first day of spring. However, because of the weather conditions the meadow was not ready yet for the dancing cows on this day.

By now, the sun is seen more often and this makes the grass nutritious enough for the cows to graze. Primary school pupils of ‘t Palet in Leusden and the Auris Prof. Groenschool in Amersfoort cheered the cock-a-hoop cows.

With this first outdoor grazing at the farm of farmer Niels, Campina celebrates the start of the farmer season.

Dairy farmer Niels said: "Every year again it is a great moment when the cows jump happily into the meadow. Unfortunately, it was impossible for me this year to make this day coincide with the first day of spring.

"Luckily, it is up to every farmer to decide when the moment is right to let the cows go outside. I am really happy to see them cheerfully graze outside now. This is and will always be the ultimate Dutch picture for me."

Happy cows and children

Before the cows went outside, the visitors were given a warming up. The 62 primary school pupils did some warming-up exercises under the leadership of sports instructors in the farm yard.

The children did not only prepare themselves for the outdoor grazing, they also got themselves ready for a new season of playing outside and sports.

As a supporter of Dutch athletes, Campina attaches great value to sufficient exercise combined with healthy nutrition.

Take a look at a farm yourself

58 dairy farmers throughout the Netherlands open their farms to the public during the Campina Open Farm Days to be held on 11 and 21 May.

Everyone is welcome to get an inside view of the farm.

The farmers will do tours of the farm and plays will be organised, such as a farmer assault course and milk can lifting: a nice and free outing for the whole family.

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