Dutch Plan to Cull Cows to Reduce Phosphate Production
NETHERLANDS - A three-pronged approach has been proposed to the Dutch government to reduce phosphate production from 2017, according to UK levy board AHDB Dairy.At present, the Dutch phosphate limit is 172.9m kg (million kilograms), which has been exceeded for the past three years. Phosphates form a major component of animal manure.
LTO Netherlands, NZO, Nevedi, NAJK, NMV and Rabobank have compiled the plan, with €50m available for support, which is set to be agreed next year. If implemented, it could see a significant reduction in Dutch cattle numbers (approx. 175k head, 11 per cent) and, thus, milk production.
The plan would see a reduction in the dairy herd (with compensation), penalties for those producing more milk than a predetermined reference quantity and reducing the levels of phosphorus in compound animal feeds. The combined effect of this is expected to lead to a total reduction of 8.2m kg (2.5m, 4m and 1.7m kg, respectively, for each measure).
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