Brazilian Dairy Sector Meets Government to Discuss Cutting Red Tape
BRAZIL - Minister Blairo Maggi from Brazil's agriculture ministry MAPA has met with representatives of the dairy production chain to discuss ideas to reduce bureaucracy."Legislation sometimes imposes so many restrictions that the producer can not produce," Mr Maggi said.
The industry representatives took advantage of the meeting to present a list of demands to the Minister, including the opening of the Chinese market to Brazilian dairy products.
They said that Brazil's dairy exports are below those of other countries where farmers receive subsidies. In 2015, the production chain exported US$ 319.2 million, mostly to Venezuela.
Another point the sector put forward was related to the Ministry of Health Food Guide. According to the guide, processed foods, such as yoghurt, should not be consumed by the population, and only fresh dairy should be consumed.
They claim that all dairy products meet all international standards and that the products follow the guidelines of the WHO (World Health Organisation). The agriculture department will meet with the health ministry to see what can be done.
Mr Maggi pointed out that the responsibility for food quality control should be the producer's own and not just the government. For the minister, companies must be legally responsible for the products they place on the market.
The meat sector should be the next to be heard by MAPA regarding reducing red tape.
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