What impact Might Brexit Have on UK Agriculture?
UK - With the United Kingdom's referendum on continued membership in the European Union (EU) approaching, experts are considering the impact of a vote to leave ('Brexit') on numerous aspects of UK society, including agriculture.In a paper that is part of a special issue of EuroChoices that focuses on the possible implications of Brexit for the agri-food sector, Dr Alan Swinbank focuses on the constraints and opportunities that Brexit would offer for future UK farm policy.
He notes that UK policymakers would not have the luxury of devising a brand new policy from scratch due in part to World Trade Organization rules and commitments, a possible future accord with the EU, and the differing priorities of the UK's administrations in Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.
Other articles in the special issue examine some of the challenges facing UK farmers in the event of Brexit and ways in which Brexit might affect the EU and its agricultural policy.
"Whether the UK decides to leave or remain, agri-food and land-use issues will undoubtedly continue to be major areas of UK and EU concern and involvement with an ongoing need for robust research evidence to inform government policy and industry strategies," wrote Dr John Davis, chief editor of EuroChoices.
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