Nutriad Calf Rumen Master Class

NETHERLANDS - On 16 December 2015, Nutriad’s ruminant expert team organised a master class about the relationship between nutrition, rumen development and health in veal, rose, beef and dairy calves for Thewi veterinary practice in Tilburg (NL).
calendar icon 11 January 2016
clock icon 2 minute read


A group of practising veterinarians working with the main veal, rose and beef producers in the Netherlands assisted. Dr Ir Hassan Taweel, Nutriad’s global business development manager for ruminants, and Anne-Harm Algra, Nutriad’s Benelux sales manager, chaired the discussion panel.

Dr Taweel stressed that rumen development is more than only papillae size, number and density.

Dr Taweel talked about rumen development and health

Stated Taweel: “Rumen development consists of three elements. First the establishment of a viable efficient microbial population capable of fermenting different substrates. Second the establishment of a healthy epithelial absorptive layer, and third the development of rumen muscular layer.”

Dr Taweel showed ample evidence from international literature connecting the development of rumen muscular layer to the health of rumen papillae.

The rumen muscular layer develops in response to physical signals that are stimulated by the presence of coarse feed in rumen, hence feeding roughage and coarse (texturised) starter is essential for the development of a healthy and efficient rumen.

Feeding calves on concentrates only, especially finely milled and pelleted concentrates, is associated with many rumen development disorders such as plaque and parakeratosis. Both are known to happen frequently in veal and rose calve operations.

During and after the presentation, the participants discussed their experience with different approaches to minimise the occurrence of those disorders in both the veal and rose beef industries.

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