Brazilian Meat Prices Continue to Rise
BRAZIL - Beef prices in Brazil showed the highest increase in meat prices in August compared to the same period of 2013.On average the August beef carcase quotes, traded in the wholesale market in Greater São Paulo, was of 7.97 reals ($3.51) 27.1 per cent, more than in August 2013.
Pork traded at 6.06 reals ($2.67), an increase of 24.7 per cent and broiler meat was 3.33 reals or $1.47 a rise of 5.7 per cent.
Beef and pork price increases were higher than the inflation IPCA (an index reference to measure inflation in Brazil), which rose by 6.5 per cent.
According to researchers from Cepea, these rises are related to the low supply of animals because of the dry weather this year.
Cepea said that both domestic and international demands are heated.
As for exports, the Russian embargo on meat from the United States and Europe has generated an expectation of an intensification of Brazilian shipments.
The fed cattle market advanced August with increasing prices. The ESALQ/BM&FBovespa Index for fed cattle (São Paulo State) closed at 127.77 reals ($56.99) on 29 August a rise of 7.7 per cent compared to July.
Price rises have been put down to the low supply of slaughter-ready animals.
The ESALQ/BM&FBovespa Index for calves rose as well.
The Index closed at 1,043.40 reals per head (or $465.39).
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