Dairy Benefits Outstrip the Bad, Say Australians
AUSTRALIA – Dairy food health benefits outweigh the health problems, according to the latest news from Australia.Dairy Australia has championed dairy produce on the back of a publication from Cancer Council Australia and the advice of the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
The levy board says that both organisations support dairy foods, citing the NHMRC as stating that milk, cheese and yoghurt are linked to reduced risk of heart disease, stroke, hypertension, type 2 diabetes, metabolic syndrome and colorectal cancer.
“The Australian dairy industry is confident our products are highly nutritious and form a core part of a balanced diet,” said Isabel MacNeill, Group Manager – Industry Promotion and Product Innovation at Dairy Australia.
“People concerned about the impact of diet on their health should seek nutritional advice from a health professional before making a change to your diet – particularly if you’re considering eliminating a core food group.”
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