Haryana Clears New Agri Policy
INDIA - Haryana state has passed a new agriculture policy to generate four per cent growth in the farming sector, writes Jagdish Kumar.Under the new policy, the government will provide eight hours uninterrupted supply of electricity to farmers, focus on productivity of allied sectors like horticulture crops, livestock, fisheries and poultry and promote dairy-based integrated farming system.
The policy was cleared by the state chief minister, Bhupinder Singh Hooda with a view to ensure increased income and profitability for improved livelihood of farmers of the state.
The state will also focus on ensuring efficient credit and delivery systems, reforms in marketing system and safety net programme under the new policy.
More emphasis on processing and value addition, agricultural research and development and empowerment of women will be given.
Speaking on the new policy, Hooda said: "The target to attain inclusive growth exceeding four per cent in agriculture will be achieved through food, nutrition, employment and livelihood security for all.
“Linking farmers to markets for increased income; sustainable agriculture and environmental security; high priority for improving the quality of land and soil resources of the state," Hooda added.
The policy will give greater emphasis on producing more grains per drop of water and will give importance to provide site specific weather advisory services to farmers, livestock breeders and fishermen.
While referring to the issue of crop productivity, Hooda said that the new policy will narrow down the existing yield gaps and lay special focus on timely sowing and planting of crops.
Haryana would promote dairy-based integrated farming system by using certified bulls, providing balanced diet to animals, ensuring health care under Public Private Partnership mode, establishing fodder banks and net-working of gaushalas, Hooda stressed.
In the state, agriculture sector provides employment to over 60 per cent of the population and play a major role in state economy.
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