Over-The-Hook Cattle Rates Remain Firm
AUSTRALIA - Queensland Over-The-Hook (OTH) rates remained firm across most categories last week. Reports suggest the wet season to be reducing production in the north, while drier conditions experienced in the south continue to assist in sufficient numbers booked direct-to-works.Medium weight (180-220kg cwt) yearling steers across the south dropped 5¢ to average 335¢, while the heavy weights (260-280kg cwt) remained unchanged on 333¢/kg cwt. Medium weight (260-300kg cwt) grown steers in the south were steady on 308¢/kg, while medium cows (240-280kg) remained firm on 283¢/kg cwt.
OTH rates across NSW continued to decline, predominately due to the increased numbers heading direct-to-works. Trade steers and heifers (220-260kg) averaged 324¢ and 321¢/kg cwt, respectively, while grown steer (260-300kg) carcases averaged 312¢/kg cwt. Rates for medium cows were reasonably similar to previous weeks, with prices averaging 256¢/kg cwt.
In Victoria, prices from contributors were slightly dearer across some vealer categories week-on-week, while all weights and grades of cows improved marginally.. Rates for trade steers and heifers remained firm on 305¢ and 290¢, respectively, while the equivalent carcases in SA were also steady on 310¢ and 300¢/kg cwt.. Medium cows in Victoria were 2¢ dearer on last week and averaged 248¢, while those in SA remained firm on 235¢/kg cwt.
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