Key Performance Update for Northern Ireland
UK - The trade for finished cattle in Northern Ireland in November 2012 has been similar to the trade in November 2011, reports Livestock and Meat Commission.The average prime
cattle price during November 2012 was
318.4p/kg with an average R3 steer
price of 328.9p/kg. These figures are in
the region of 2p/kg above prices in
November 2011 when the average
prime cattle price was 316.8p/kg and
the average R3 price was 327.1p/kg.
In ROI the average R3 steer price for the
month of November 2012 was
303.5p/kg, 15.5p/kg less than the
319.0p/kg recorded in November 2011
(-4.9 per cent). Meanwhile in GB the R3
steer price has increased by 19p/kg
when comparing November 2011 and
November 2012, representing an
increase of 5.6 per cent.
The throughput of prime cattle through
the meat plants in NI in November 2012
totalled 34,286 head, a two per cent
increase on the throughput in November
2011. However cow slaughterings during
November 2012 were markedly higher
than the previous November at 13,472
head (+20.4 per cent).
For 2012 to date there has been an
overall trend towards higher carcase
weights but when comparing November
2012 with the previous November
carcase weights have actually declined
slightly. The average prime carcase
weight was down 4kg to 333kg (-1.4 per
cent) while the average cow carcase was
back 12kg to 285kg (-4.1per cent).
plants have been reporting an increase
in the proportion of under finished dairy
cows in the kill which goes some way to
explain the decline in the average cow
carcase weight.
The average price paid
for cull cows has also shown a decline
between the two periods due to the
increase in the dairy influence, back
14.7p/kg to 231.8p/kg (-6 per cent).
The number of beef and dairy sired
(male) cattle on the ground aged 12-30
months are used as an indication of
total cattle numbers and future
availability of cattle. Comparing
November 2011 and November 2012
numbers have increased by 2.3 per cent
(8,956 head).
The number of beef sired
cattle has increased by 1.5 per cent
while the number of dairy sired males
has increased by 9.2 per cent.
The future availability of cattle will also
be influenced by the number of calf
registrations. Calf registrations in
November 2012 totalled 25,953, a 2.2
per cent reduction on the number in
November 2011. In absolute terms this
is a reduction of 597 calf registrations in
November 2012 versus November
The availability of cattle is also
influenced by the level of imports and
exports of cattle for direct slaughter. In
November 2012 imports for direct
slaughter totalled 5,567 head, a 32.1
per cent increase on the 4,213 head
imported in November 2011. During the
same period exports for direct slaughter
have totalled 2,984 head, a 76.3 per
cent increase on the 1,693 head
exported in November 2011.
The level of imports and exports are
strongly influenced by the value of the
euro against sterling. In November 2012
the average euro/sterling exchange rate
was 80.4p compared to 85.7p in
November 2011.
This reduction in the
value of the euro has made cattle in ROI
cheaper in sterling terms and has
encouraged an increase in the
movement of cattle across the border
from ROI to NI for direct slaughter in
recent months.
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