Farm Subsidies Create One Thousand New Jobs
RUSSIA - Minister of Agriculture of the Russian Federation Nikolay Fedorov met with the Russian Government to dicuss the successes of the distribution of national funds, chaired by Prime Medvedev.On the agenda was the issue of farm subsidies and the implementation of the budget across rural sectors. The Agriculture Minister reiterated the need to maintain monetary assistance to aid young livestock farmers and new farming businesses which was mainatained at 13,911,430 rubles.
Regional budgets were discussed at the meeting and how the local authorities were implementing state money. One region regained the balance of unused funds after the elections. Nikolai Fyodorov explained that freed federal funds are distributed between the Russian Federation - Republic of Tyva and Samara region, who are in need and at the same time successfully meeting the obligations under the agreement.
Finally, the Head Office of the agrarian country said that thanks to the measures of state support by the end of 2012 will be more than two thousand new peasant farms (the planned 1.7 million), 572 family livestock farms (Plan - 150), more than 8 , 5 thousand new jobs.
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