Skills Programme Needed to Safeguard Beef Sector

SWEDEN - Industry regulators have agreed on a common and long-term development platform for beef sector growth. Called 'Growth Beef' the intentions are to ensure the availability of Swedish beef in the future through national programmes.
calendar icon 19 November 2012
clock icon 2 minute read

Behind the common strategy of Sweden's Beef Producers is the goal to

  • Establish a national collaboration on consulting, training, development and research to ensure the Swedish beef is available in the future.

This is due to Swedish beef production has falling over many years meaning that today all steak is imported.

"There is little time to reverse the trend and to increase the market share of Swedish beef," said Bengt Persson, Member of LRF Executive Committee.

"We need to increase the proportion of cattle to compensate for the declining number of dairy cows," says Anna Kristoffersson the association Sweden Animals Farmers. "Politically we need to strngthen and our research and development must improve. Otherwise, imports increase and even more Swedish pastures and meadows are invaded by scrub."

Growth Beef was started as an initiative of southern Sweden in November 2011 with the help of EU funding and the Board of Agriculture. A feasibility study was carried out and presented to the government and industry groups inspring 2012. This process identified a number of important areas that the 'Growth Beef' is now trying to address.

"To succeed will require considerable financial efforts and increased exchanges between industry and research," says Anita Persson, chairman of Sweden's Beef Producers. "Now we have laid the foundation for efforts to become a reality."

Results of ongoing collaborations in 'Growth Beef' will be presented in Ystad on 15-17 November.

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