International EuroTier Dairy Event
GERMANY - Join dairy experts at EuroTier 2012's pre-show event organised specially for the dairy sector.This year's International EuroTier Dairy Event will take place on the evening of Monday 12 November, with topics ranging from cow comfort, to trends in the dairy market and tips on the latest management strategies for herd performance.
All presentations will be translated simultaneously in both German and/or English.
The event will take place on 12 November 2012, in Room 3 of the Convention Centre.
The event will start at 18.00 hours with an opening and welcome address by Jean Francois Verdenal, European Dairy Farmers President.
Ken Norlund from the University of Wisconsin in the US will talk about how increased cow comfort will increase dairy farm income.
Mary Keogh Ledman , Editor, Daily Dairy Report will look at dairy markets.
And Bernd Luehrmann, Lower Saxony Chamber of Agriculture, Germany will discuss recent developments in the management tools for improving herd performance.
An evening reception will follow in the Convention Centre.