Consumer Beef Trends Continue to Change

US - Given the changing nature of availability of foods and preferences, the beef checkoff has been tracking these consumer consumption patterns to better understand preparation methods and flavors used in beef preparation.
calendar icon 2 August 2012
clock icon 2 minute read

Executive Chef Dave Zino explains more about the trends and what the 2012 research data shows.

Mr Zino commented: “One of the interesting factors I found is that from 2002 to 2012, more people are eating beef steaks in that medium-rare to medium range which pleases me because I know that’s where you’re going to get that best beef-eating experience. And more people are eating ground beef in burgers at 160 and above which also pleases me because we know that all bacteria is eliminated at 160 degrees. So throughout the years I think we’ve seen some really positive changes.”

Overall, a variety of different ethnic foods have become more popular since 2005, Mr Zino said.

“In terms of ethnic foods, American or local food is still the most popular, followed by Italian then Mexican. But even, we saw jumps in folks liking Vietnamese food more, and Japanese food. Every ethnic category there was a jump in liking and what that tells me is that I think people are a little more food savvy now.”

Mr Zino explained why it’s important for the beef checkoff to develop a better understanding of consumer preferences.

“There’s no sense in doing research like this unless you follow it. So I mean it really helps us kind of hone in on the recipes and the new products that we’re developing for consumers.”

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