Webinar Examines Livestock Options During Drought
US - Iowa crop and livestock producers dealing with drought–related issues are invited to attend an Iowa State University Extension and Outreach webinar Wednesday, July 25 to learn more about options available to them.Livestock issues covered during the webinar will include options to help producers manage immediate needs related to stressed pastures and reduced hay supplies. “We also will talk about early weaning to reduce cow requirements and supplemental feeding,” said Dan Loy, Iowa Beef Center director. “Other topics facing producers are feeding value, proper ensiling and potential for nitrate toxicity for corn harvested as silage or green chop.”
Members of the extension crops team will cover the topics of crop growth and development under drought conditions and feeding drought damaged crops. “We will look at current conditions, short-range and long range forecasts, impacts of drought on forages and crops, and impacts on disease and insect development,” said Roger Elmore, extension corn specialist.
Farm finances
Extension specialists will discuss crop insurance coverage, grain marketing implications and valuing drought-damaged corn silage. Possible disaster programs related to the drought situation also will be covered, said William Edwards, extension economist.
Webinar locations
County extension offices are hosting the July 25 webinar. A list of host locations as of July 20 are shown at right. Extension agriculture and program specialists will facilitate the program at each site. Time has been allowed for questions and answers following the presentations. The webinar will be recorded and made available on the ISU Extension and Outreach website.
County extension offices will be hosting the 1- 3 pm webinar. There is no charge to attend the webinar.
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