EU Milk Production to Increase
EU - EU milk production is expected to increase by 1.5 per cent to about 154 million tonnes in 2012 and by further 0.7 per cent in 2013, according to the Short Term Outlook for arable crop, meat and dairy markets published by the European Commission.EU cow milk deliveries to
dairies would follow a similar trend, albeit at a
slightly higher rate than total milk production
(+1.6 per cent in 2012 and +1.0 per cent in 2013).
average yield per dairy cow would continue to
increase in 2012 to an estimated 6,598 Kg. The
continuous increase in milk yields, both in
EU15 and in new Member States, would
compensate for the contraction in the dairy
herd, which is estimated to decline by about
one per cent in 2012 and again in 2013.
On the basis of
Eurostat data until March 2012, EU deliveries
are foreseen to remain 4.7 per cent below the quota
level in the year 2011/12 (vs. -5.5 per cent in
2010/11). Supported by the good level of farm
gate milk prices in 2011, an over fulfilment of
quotas is likely for Cyprus, Germany, Ireland,
Austria, the Netherlands and Luxembourg.
Dairy commodities
After a year of high dairy commodity prices in
2011, prices displayed a slight decline over the
first five months of 2012 due to increased
supplies, both in the EU and at world level.
This price trend is expected to influence,
among other factors, the processing of milk
into dairy commodities.
Growing quantities of milk are expected to be
processed into cheese (+1.1 per cent in 2012 and
+0.6 per cent in 2013). The larger share of EU cheese
production would be consumed domestically,
but demand from importing third countries is
likely to increase in 2012.
After a rather stable trend in 2011, total fresh
dairy production is estimated to show a
slightly higher rate of expansion in 2012
(+0.6 per cent). This is explained by a growing
production path of drinking milk and even
more so for cream. In 2013, production would
continue to grow, in view of prospects of
sustained world demand and improvement in
the general economic environment.
In 2012, Whole Milk Powder (WMP)
production is projected to shrink for the
second year in a row (-1.1 per cent compared to
2011) and this trend is foreseen to continue in
2013. Despite expecting a more favourable
exchange rate, in 2012 the EU WMP exports
would continue the declining trend started in
2009, as EU remains less competitive against
supplies from Oceania.
Opposite to WMP, Skimmed Milk Powder
(SMP) production is expected to increase
again in 2012 (+14.5 per cent compared to 2011).
Thanks to the strong world demand, a further
expansion could be possible in 2013 (+6.5 per cent).
Exports are projected to grow by about 12 per cent
this year and seven per cent in 2013, after the even larger
increases in the two last years.
China has been
gradually becoming an important world player
in SMP imports, but a substantial increase in
imports from North African countries (Algeria,
Egypt) has also taken place. SMP intervention
stocks built up in 2009 are expected to be
completely emptied by the end of 2012
through the most deprived person's scheme.
Total butter/butteroil production is expected
to increase again in 2012 (+3.8 per cent) and in 2013 (+0.8 per cent).
Imports are likely to decrease in 2012
and then to stabilise in 2013. The EU was not
very competitive on the export market in
2011, given the existing price gap between EU
and world price.
Some recovery of EU exports
is expected in 2013, but a substantial share of
the additional production would have to be
absorbed by the domestic market.
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