Transitional Measures in Place Ahead of CAP Reform
EU - The Council adopted a set of amendments to Regulation 73/2009 concerning the application of direct payments to farmers in the year 2013 following a first reading agreement with the European Parliament.This regulation (the "2013" regulation) is one of two transitional regulations to be adopted
this year ahead of the common agricultural policy (CAP) reform which is scheduled to
enter into force in 2014. The other transitional regulation (agreement expected in
September) concerns support to vine growers.
The aim of the "2013" regulation is to provide for a smooth transition from the current
direct payments system (Regulation 73/2009) to the new payments scheme foreseen by the
Commission in the CAP reform proposals.
This includes providing an adjustment mechanism similar to modulation, so as to ensure
continuity in payment levels while taking into account the phasing-in of direct payments in
the new Member States.
It also includes provisions to allow for transition from the existing voluntary modulation
mechanism ; the complementary national direct payments / state aid mechanisms applied in
some new Member States and a mechanism to facilitate the more efficient use of funds
The current modulation system expires at the end of 2012. This system has imposed a
compulsory progressive reduction of direct payments to farmers. Direct payments of over
€5,000 have therefore been reduced year on year and in 2012 amounted to 10 per cent. The
corresponding amounts are transferred to the European agricultural fund for rural
development (EAFRD) to enhance rural development programmes, in particular for
measures concerning climate change, renewable energies, water management and
biodiversity. The modulation system does not apply to either the outermost regions, the
Aegean Islands or to the new Member States subject to “phasing in” for the direct
payments to their farmers.
As regards the regulation on support to vine-growers, at its meeting on Monday 9 July, the
Special Committee on Agriculture (SCA) chaired by the Cyprus Presidency, unanimously
supported , the compromise text agreed by the Council and the European Parliament
representatives during the trilogue of 4 July.
The purpose of the vine-growers regulation is to amend the current single common market
organisation (CMO) regulation (Regulation 1234/2007) by providing for the definitive
transfer of the support measures to vine-growers to the single payment scheme (SPS). The
SPS allocates aid to farmers irrespective of their production and aims to ensure greater
income stability for farmers. The aim of this regulation is therefore to facilitate the
transition from one system to the other and to bridge the gap between 2013, when the 5-
year programmes would have to be renewed, and 2014, when the CAP reform is expected
to come into force.
According to the agreement between the Council and the Parliament, once all procedural
steps are completed, including a vote by the Parliament at the plenary session, the
regulation regarding the support to vine-growers will be adopted by the Council and the
European Parliament in the first reading.
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