Wild Predators Cost Livestock Industry A$100 Million

AUSTRALIA - Wild dogs and foxes cost the Australian livestock industry more than A$100 million each year. With a coordinated community approach and the help of local authorities, producers can minimise the impact on their production.
calendar icon 12 June 2012
clock icon 1 minute read

Greg Mifsud, IACRC National Wild Dog Coordinator, said producers introducing some key strategies prior to lambing, calving or kidding, could see weaning rates lifted significantly.

“In spring, a community baiting programme is essential,” Mr Mifsud said. “To be effective, control programmes need to be delivered over a broad area and this means conducting baiting programmes in conjunction with neighbours.

“Baiting in isolation results in re-colonisation from other areas and properties that don’t control foxes and wild dogs severely impacts on the success of the overall programme. Even landholders not directly affected should take part.”

Before spring, integrating several control techniques (like spotlighting and trapping) in between baiting is important.

“One technique on its own won’t result in effective control and it’s important to take early action. If wild dogs and foxes are present then wild dog strength baits are needed because fox baits (with less 1080) are unlikely to kill wild dogs,” Mr Mifsud said.

“Even if producers don’t have lambing, kidding or calving occurring, they should still take part in baiting programs to ensure greater control is achieved over the whole region.

"If wild dogs are left in isolated areas, they’ll soon move into the land that has been previously cleared of predators.”

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