Biosecurity Laws Put New South Wales on Front Foot
NEW SOUTH WALES, AUSTRALIA - The NSW Government is stepping up its fight against possible disease threats through the introduction of tough new biosecurity measures, said NSW Minister for Primary Industries Katrina Hodgkinson."The Primary Industries Legislation Amendment (Biosecurity) Bill 2012 was passed by NSW Parliament last night.
"The changes are designed to keep NSW pest and disease free, and improve our capability to respond to an emergency disease outbreak," Ms Hodgkinson said.
"The laws give the NSW Government new powers to manage the movement of plants and animals, and undertake additional disease monitoring and surveillance.
"They also allow for the destruction of suspect plants and animals, and introduce new measures that require landholders and members of the community to notify authorities of potential animal and plant diseases," Ms Hodgkinson said.
Ms Hodgkinson said the new laws are all about protecting New South Wales' $9 billion Primary Industries sector and environment from potential pests and diseases.
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