CME: Whey, NDM Prices Lower
US - Trading activity was quieter this morning in the spot auction but the dairy markets remain weak, writes Alan Levitt, in Thursday's dairy report.A mild winter in the northern-tier states, in sharp contrast to last year, has helped
sustain milk production levels. In the Upper Midwest temperatures remain 7-12° above
normal for early February, though much colder weather is expected this weekend.
also has been mild in California’s Central Valley, but with much less rain than usual.
Whey and NDM prices were lower in Dairy Market News’ weekly survey. Midwestern dry
whey is mostly 69¢-72¢ and Western dry whey is mostly 65¢-69.5¢.
The Western price is
down 4.5¢ (at the midpoint of the range) from two weeks ago. “Buyer interest in dry whey
spot loads, which was aggressive in recent weeks, has retreated to moderate levels,” says
DMN. “There is some pushback to contracted prices on the high side with buyers looking for
lower-priced offerings. Manufacturers are finding they need to price product lower to move
quantity sales in the export market.” Whey futures were mostly lower today; second-quarter contracts average 50.7¢ and second-half contracts
average 46.0¢.
Western NDM is pegged at mostly $1.3200-$1.3750, down three-quarters of a cent (at the midpoint of the range) from last week. Production and
inventories are building seasonally. Buyers are content to purchase hand-to-mouth while the price is declining.
Further Reading
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