OIE: Thirteen FMD Outbreaks in Libya
LIBYA - Thirteen outbreaks of Foot and Mouth Disease (FMD) have been reported to the OIE by Dr Taher Ahmad Matouk, CVO, National Centre of the Animal Health and Breeding Improvement, Tripoli, Libya.
The outbreaks first occurred on the 18 December 2011 and were confirmed on the 31 January 2012.
The outbreaks have affected cattle, sheep and goats across 13 areas in northern Libya.
In total, the outbreak has resulted in 170 cases in cattle and 3500 in sheep. Of those effected, the outbreak led to 51 deaths of cattle and 1000 of sheep.
The outbreak, composed of serotypes O and A, is affecting the whole country.
The source of the outbreak is thought to be due to airborne spread
Quarantine, vaccination and movement control are taking place in response to the outbreak.
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