Argentina Sets New Beef Prices
ARGENTINA - The Argentine Government has adjusted controlled prices of beef after almost three years without change.The joint Resolution from the Argentine Ministries of Planning and Finance, Commerce, Agriculture and Lands, Food, Science and Technology and Intermediary Industries fixes a Maximum Retail Price and Maximum Sales Price paid to producer and wholesaler of meat products.
According to the USDA Foreign Aghricultural Service, the text of this Resolution, a kilogram of 1st class beef now costs Bs 22.74, a kilogram of 2nd class beef costs Bs 15.38, and a kilogram of 3rd class beef will cost Bs 13.12.
The increase of a kilogram of prime beef is equivalent to 29.20 per cent on the previously fixed price of Bs 17.60.
The Gazette also presents new producer prices. Live cattle will be valued at Bs 7.10 per kilogram, a kilogram of carcase will cost Bs 13.67, and a kilogram of carcase meat paid to wholesaler will have a value of Bs 14.36.
However, Some ranchers and private sector representatives feel that the price increase of about 30 per cent is not enough, according to a report from the USDA Foreign Agricultural Service.
The meat prices increase was published at the Official Gazette No. 39,698 dated 1 June 2011.
The same Gazette notice also established new producer prices.
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