Freight Subsidies Would Help In Restocking

AUSTRALIA - A livestock agent in Broome believes pastoralists across Northern Australia will need freight subsidies in order to help restock the country's flood-affected areas.
calendar icon 31 January 2011
clock icon 1 minute read

The demand for cattle, especially breeders, is expected to be high following the floods, with some areas looking to restock, others looking to capitalise on the good pastures, reports ABC Rural.

It's been tipped that stations in the Northern Territory and Kimberley region of Western Australia will have plenty of breeders on offer.

But Broome livestock manager, Kelvin Hancey, believes northern producers will continue to target other markets, unless they are given an incentive.

"The one big question with the floods is the level of government assistance these people will be given to rebuild," he said.

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