Reducing BRD in Younger Cattle
AUSTRALIA - A larger turnoff of younger cattle has led to a rise in Bovine Respiratory Disease (BRD).Now sectors of the cattle industry in Western Australia are joining forces to promote the benefits of yard weaning to reduce the risks of BRD, according to a report in Farm Weekly.
Industry statistics show that BRD is estimated to cause 70 per cent of all sickness and deaths in feedlots and cost the Australian beef industry A$60 million each year.
The report says that the main cause is stress and there is a higher prevalence of the disease in young cattle subjected to sudden weaning, trucking and intensive gathering.
The ideal management approach is to combine good cattle husbandry and pre- vaccination programs, with good cattle husbandry relating to the style of weaning the WA Lot Feeders Association (WALFA) told Farm Weekly.
WALFA is working with the WA Live Exporters Association (WALEA) and WA Livestock Salesmen Association (WALSA) in a bid to prepare cattle for entry on to feedlots in a way that will reduce the incidence of BRD.
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