Untagged Cattle Raise Large Fines

AUSTRALIA - A central Queensland pastoral company has been fined $10,000 for moving 317 cattle to a Rockhampton abattoir without the required National Livestock Identification Scheme (NLIS) tags.
calendar icon 13 November 2009
clock icon 2 minute read

Clermont Magistrates Court heard that Biosecurity Queensland investigated the company after three separate consignments of cattle were presented at the abattoir without the required NLIS tags during August 2008.

Biosecurity Queensland Investigations Manager, Craig Elliott said the company was prosecuted for six offences under the Stock Identification Regulation 2005 in relation to the identification requirements for stock being moved.

"All cattle being moved from their property of birth must be tagged with a NLIS device," he said.

"Company representatives told investigators that they knew not all of the animals had been tagged with the NLIS devices.

"In the three consecutive consignments sent over a week, the number of untagged stock in each consignment grew until over 80 per cent of the last load was not travelling with NLIS devices.

"This is unacceptable and could threaten the integrity of the NLIS system."

Mr Elliott said given that NLIS requirements had been in place since 2005, there was no excuse for non-compliance.

"NLIS provides lifetime traceability for cattle and is a key part of Queensland's efforts in maintaining access to international markets and ensuring an effective response to any disease outbreaks," he said.

"This fine is a significant increase on previous prosecutions, which just goes to show how serious the courts are taking this.

"Failure to tag stock threatens the integrity of the system and has potentially significant implications for Queensland's beef industry."

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