US Climate Change Bill Fails To Involve Agriculture

US - A draft climate change and energy legislation was unveiled earlier this week by the US Senate.
calendar icon 2 October 2009
clock icon 1 minute read

National Farmers Union (NFU) President, Roger Johnson said: "“It is important the US Senate begin the process of developing climate change and renewable energy legislation. However, the language unveiled today fails to address the unique role agriculture can play."

Mr Johnson said that the NFU had been clear in expressing support for a national, mandatory carbon emission cap and trade system if a number of core principals are met. These would involve the US Department of Agriculture (USDA) having control and administration of the agriculture offset programme; having no artificial cap placed on domestic offsets; carbon sequestration rates would be based upon science; and producers permitted to stacking environmental benefit credits. All of which the new bill failed to address.

The NFU remain committed to working with members of the Senate to ensure America's farmers and ranchers can be a part of the climate change solution, expressed Mr Johnson.

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