Badger Cull Stalemate

UK - A stalemate between the farming industry and DEFRA over the way to tackle bovine TB could drag on for months, according to the National Beef Association.
calendar icon 13 November 2008
clock icon 1 minute read

Industry leaders claim DEFRA secretary Hilary Benn has altered the terms of the TB Eradication Group, announced last week (3 November) during a meeting with MPs, reports FarmersWeeklyInteractive.

According to the news agency, "at the meeting on Wednesday (5 November), Mr Benn said the formation of the group did not mean he had changed his mind about a badger cull and that control, rather than eradication, was the immediate priority."

His comments were met with dismay by farming leaders, who had understood the group's remit included looking at all ways to deal with the disease, including a badger cull.

Kim Marie-Haywood, NBA chief executive, said the farming industry would not take part in the group unless DEFRA stuck to what had been agreed.

Further Reading

- Find out more information on bovine tuberculosis by clicking here.

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