Survey: Mull Triumph Over Virus

SCOTLAND, UK - Beef producers on Mull gathered last week to hear the results of a survey, carried out on the island’s herds, to detect the level of Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVD) in Mull cattle.
calendar icon 23 September 2008
clock icon 1 minute read

The survey, which was sponsored by NFU Scotland and Quality Meat Scotland, with laboratory work provided by Intervet, proved that the virus is barely present on the island.

NFU Scotland’s Vice-President, Nigel Miller, was present at the meeting and later commented:

“The results are a real triumph for Mull producers and their herds’ good health status could prove a significant advantage. Our thanks must go to local vet, Jimmy Wilson for carrying out the survey and to Hugh McPhail for hosting the meeting.

“It would be good if this could lead to a co-ordinated programme to keep BVD off the island, and a way of marketing heifers for breeding.

“It is up to farmers on Mull to decide whether they want to be involved in a BVD control group.”

Further Reading

- Find out more information on Bovine Virus Diarrhoea (BVD) by clicking here.

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