Pakistan Milk Prices up Veal Production
PAKISTAN - Milk prices in Pakistan have begun to rapidly increase the production rate of veal.According to the Daily Times, there are around 800,000 buffaloes on the dairy farms in Cattle Colony and almost every new buffalo that is brought into the city from the Punjab or other parts of the country is pregnant and gives birth to a calf within a couple of weeks. It is estimated that every day around 400 calves are born and all are slaughtered within a week of their birth.
Calves consume almost 15 litres of milk a day and continue to suckle for one year. No dairy farmer can afford this immense loss so these calves are given to butchers when they are hardly three to five days old.
According to a beef merchant, the calf traders dump them into a donkey cart after collecting them from different dairy farms in Cattle Colony. These calves are taken to a ‘calf market’ near Road No. 5. These calves are then slaughtered at private slaughterhouses and the veal is sold at cheaper rates. The veal is also sold as mutton in various areas in city and many restaurants, burger vendors, kebab shops and mutton karhai shops use this meat.
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