New Dairy Regulations Come with Advice from the DBA

US - Wisconsin dairy producers are growing more familiar with the red tape around expansion and conservation projects on their dairies.
calendar icon 16 May 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

As new regulations are passed, the Dairy Business Association wants to prepare dairy producers to meet the requirements and follow the rules that will allow Wisconsin’s dairy industry to continue to grow and prosper while protecting the environment.

“With the dairy industry as a stronghold of our state’s economy, it is imperative that a cohesive process be in place for aligning dairy producers with the details they need for expanding, environmental enhancement and new technology projects that fuel re-investment in Wisconsin,” said DBA’s Executive Director Laurie Fischer.

The Dairy Business Association’s Dairy Business Foundation has created a clearing house available for dairy producers that contain the most up-to-date educational tools and technical assistance for planning and completing dairy expansion, modernization and conservation projects. Dairy producers can ask questions and receive direction with their projects, such as manure and odor management. “There is a need among dairy producers for a ‘go-to’ point that houses current information on regulatory issues and helps producers understand how to be approved for projects in a less frustrating and timelier manner,” Fischer said.

The Wisconsin Natural Resource Conservation Services (NRCS) will collaborate with DBA on these projects. These services are available by contacting DBA at (920)491-9956 or e-mailing [email protected]

“As an established dairy producer organization, DBA is a trusted source for this type assistance that will enable our state’s dairy businesses to grow and thrive,” Fischer added. “We are especially appreciative of Senator Herb Kohl’s role in obtaining funding for this project. His on-going dedication and support for Wisconsin’s dairy industry has significantly impacted the prosperity of our dairy producers and their ability to contribute to the local and state economy.”

The Dairy Business Association is an industry organization comprised of dairy producers, corporate and allied industry supporters. DBA promotes the growth and success of all dairy farms in Wisconsin by fostering a positive business and political environment. For more information about DBA, please visit our website at

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