Pre 1996 Cattle Take Advatage of Weak Pound

UK - Farmers with pre 1996 cattle are being urged to take advantage of the weaker pound and not leave it until the last minute to register animals for the Older Cattle Disposal Scheme.
calendar icon 8 May 2008
clock icon 1 minute read
National Farmers Union

The latest figure for OCDS compensation issued by the Rural Payments Agency, which is based on a flat rate of 293 Euros, means any cattle entering the scheme and meeting the required criteria would be worth £230.72 in compensation. The weaker pound means farmers will receive more per animal than they did last year, even though the flat rate payment was ten per cent higher at 324 Euros.

NFU livestock adviser Alastair Johnston said: "It is important farmers book their older cows and bulls born and reared in the UK before August 1 1996 into the OCDS sooner rather than later, or they could lose compensation if they leave it too late. It is in producers' best interests to make the most of the weaker pound and get cattle entered."

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