French Debate National Animal Welfare

FRANCE - French farm minister Michel Barnier has nominated three working group chairmen for France's national animal welfare plan Animals et société.
calendar icon 10 March 2008
clock icon 1 minute read

The first meetings will be held on March 14 and will continue over the following weeks, before launching a public consultation in May.

The aim is to generate a report and recommendations by the end of June. This launches animal welfare into the [multiple public debates that France is developing within a wider discussion of agriculture.

The lead group, chaired by French doctor and explorer Jean-Louis Etienne, will discuss the legal and scientific aspects of animal welfare.

A second group under Jacques Pradel will discuss the theme of animals in urban life, to improve aspects of animal management in towns.

Jérôme Bignon, a deputy for the Somme (northern France), will chair a group discussing animals in the economy and the French territory.

The agenda for this group will cover broad topics such as raising livestock or public entertainment in which animals appear.

The debate of animal welfare is an integral part of the forthcoming agricultural policy debate, says M. Barnier.

"It has become essential, in my eyes, for developing sustainable agriculture. Our link with animals covers our attitude towards the extinction of certain species, our reaction to the weakening of biodiversity and the choices we make for our agriculture."

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