Binders Could Improve Viability of Cheap Starch Sources
SOUTH KOREA - South Korea's feed industry is feeling the pressure of high cereal prices and short supplies. Some mills are expecting to run out of wheat in the next few months and are considering using alternative raw materials, such as Manioc.Murray Hyden, chief technical officer at natural feed additives specialist Kiotechagil, says South Korea has a strong and growing animal feed industry, but this situation is forcing a change in the feed formulations.
"Feed mills are now buying any starch materials that they can, and imports of manioc starch are increasing to make up the deficit. Manioc starch lost popularity in Europe due to slow gelatinisation through pelleting operations," explained Hyden.
He says that the conditioning times used by in Korean compounders are very short at 10 – 15 seconds rather than the 60 seconds normally used in the UK. The manio does not pregelatinise if conditioning is short and so pellet quality can be maintained.
Also using a low inclusion binder, such as Kiotechagil’s MASTERCUBE, can help compensate for the slow gelatinisation of manioc starches. Binders also reduce the need for double conditioning and double pelleting and can open opportunities for alternative formulations and replace expensive and increasing energy costs.
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