Lot Feeders: Environmental Fee Outrageous

AUSTRALIA - The Australian Lot Feeders’ Association (ALFA) has branded the proposed license fee increases under the Queensland Environmental Protection Regulation outrageous and totally out of step with current difficult trading conditions.
calendar icon 25 February 2008
clock icon 1 minute read
Vice President Jim Cudmore states that fee increases for feedlots are "not only beyond comprehension but could not come at a worse time with the industry experiencing extended financial hardship due to high grain prices, exchange rates and feeder cattle prices".

"These difficult conditions are readily demonstrated by the lowest cattle numbers seen in Queensland feedlots since the year 2000."

"Disturbingly the Queensland Environment Protection Authority (EPA) is proposing the highest percentage fee increases for smaller feedlots (less than 1,000 Standard Cattle Units (SCU’s)) when they are among the hardest hit by the current trading environment.

"However large feedlots have also been targeted by EPA’s revenue raising efforts with feedlots greater than 10,000 SCU’s having to pay $9,600 more than previously".

Source: Queensland Business Review
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