Feedback Wanted on the 'Spy in the Sky'

UK - A short independent survey of farmers is currently being undertaken by University College London (UCL) on monitoring by satellite. As you may know, Government monitors land by satellite for cross-compliance purposes.
calendar icon 20 February 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

Over the next decade the detail of what can be seen by satellites will become much greater, and the ‘spy in the sky’ is likely to be increasingly attractive to other authorities monitoring farmers’ compliance with environmental regulations, for example the disposal of agricultural waste and the protection of designated conservation sites.

This survey is tremendously important as it is the first of its kind in this country, and the first time that farmers have been given an opportunity to voice their opinions on these likely future developments. UCL want to hear about farmers experiences to being monitored this way and equally understand both benefits there might be to farmers (such as consistent enforcement) as well as concerns (if you consider the technology is not used properly).

NFU, Defra, ADAS and RPA are aware of the survey and the results will be made publicly available (although individual responses will remain strictly confidential). It is hoped, in particular the conclusions will start a wider debate on the best way forward and have wider implications for satellites being used in other sectors.

Your help would be greatly appreciated in participating in this short survey. It will close on the 13th March 2008 and participants will be entered into a prize draw. It should take no more than 15 minutes to complete and the survey can be accessed through the following website link - . Alternatively call Ray Purdy on 0207 679 4554 to get a survey posted to you.

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