Walshe Asks for Stricter Tests on BSE

IRELAND - Padraig Walshe, the president of the Irish Farmers' Association, has said that after almost 20 years, the scourge of BSE is finally beaten. Last year, 25 cases were identified in Ireland.
calendar icon 5 February 2008
clock icon 1 minute read

Mr Walshe said, “What has not been highlighted is that farmers paid fees of €15 million for testing over three-quarters of a million animals in the factories. That amounts to €2.5m for each of the six cases identified.”

“While not for one moment compromising our consumer health, this wasteful cost on farmers can be avoided based on scientific analysis. In Ireland, no animal under 42 months of age has ever tested positive and risk analysis shows testing can now safely be confined to animals over 40 months,”

On Bluetongue, Mr Walshe said the threat of moves closer to our shores every day.

“We have seen the devastation caused in England and on the Continent. Our island location is a potential natural barrier, but it must be defended with a vigorous all-Ireland inspection and disinfection regime at ports and airports.”

Further Reading

       - You can visit our BSE information page by clicking here.

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