Once-a-Day Milking Increases
NEW ZEALAND - An increasing number of dairy farmers are trying a radical change to their traditional routine, milking cows only once a day instead of in the morning and evening.And that's benefiting both farmers and their herds.
Around 850 dairy farmers are milking once-a-day. John Saywell is one of them.
* "They're definitely a happier cow, a once-a-day cow" |
John Saywell, dairy farmer.
But it's not just cows that benefit with Lincoln University research showing people do as well.
Dr Rupert Tipples of the university says once-a-day milking takes the pressure off dairy farmers. In depth interviews with 20 dairy farmers show their quality of life improves.
"We found that they tend to carry on getting up early, milking early. But they can then organise the rest of their day without having to worry about going to milk in the afternoon," says Tipples.
Saywell says you can get home, see the family and maybe put the tea on.
For dairy farmers close to retirement, or couples with children, once-a-day milking could be crucial when it comes to staying on the farm.
Source: TVNZ