Cattle Markets: Time to Get Tough

UK - Cattle supply is running short, but demand is on a high. The time is right for cattle prices to increase, but in order for this to happen producers need to toughen up.
calendar icon 14 January 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

Portrush beef farmer William Taylor has called on local producers to push for better cattle prices as market conditions continue to improve.

"The Red Meat Taskforce Report has shown that the industry needs a huge increase in farm gate prices."
Mr Taylor, Chairman of the Ulster Farmers’ Union Beef and Lamb Policy Committee.

Mr Taylor, Chairman of the Ulster Farmers’ Union Beef and Lamb Policy Committee, said producers had to show their ability to be strong sellers. “We are urging farmers to market their cattle strongly. The market is experiencing tight supplies of cattle and strong demand for beef. The Red Meat Taskforce Report has shown that the industry needs a huge increase in farm gate prices. We now have an opportunity in the market place to push prices up for the farmer”.

Mr Taylor added; “The past couple of months have seen a much needed up-turn in beef prices but much more is needed; the cost of producing beef this Winter has risen significantly with the increase in both feed and fuel costs. Although the recent rise in beef prices is welcomed, a much greater price rise is still needed to properly reflect the true cost of producing beef today. Market conditions are favouring producers and they should be seeking the best possible price”.

The UFU also noted that the price differential between Northern Ireland and England for cattle had practically disappeared. William Taylor said; “We have repeatedly called on processors and retailers to justify why cattle prices have been significantly lower in Northern Ireland than in England, even though the beef was destined for the same market. Now we find that when supplies are tight the differential disappears, providing even more evidence that there never was a justification for local producers being paid lower prices. Our producers deserve to be treated equitably with producers in GB and that will continue to be our message to retailers and processors”.

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