AgraFNP Trumps Government Over Cattle Census

BRAZIL - Sao Paolo-based agribusiness consultancy AgraFNP has once again proved to be more reliable than the Brazilian government in its assessment of the size of the Brazilian cattle herd, says FARMINGUK.
calendar icon 3 January 2008
clock icon 2 minute read

Despite its status as the world's leading exporter of beef, there has been considerable confusion over the size of Brazil's cattle herd, with estimates of the number of cattle varying wildly.

But it was finally resolved by a livestock census conducted by IBGE, the government's institute of statistics, which was published on December 21.

Since May 2007 AgraFNP maintained a forecast of 159 million head compared to IBGE's original estimate, prior to the census results, of around 205 million head.

In the event, the latest IBGE census put the total bovine cattle population in Brazil at 169.9 million head, which is only 6% more than AgraFNP's forecast but 17% below IBGE's own pre-census figure.

AgraFNP's forecasting success is already well known in the livestock industry. At the time of the previous 1995/96 livestock census the AgraFNP forecast was within 1.7% of the final Census figure, but IBGE's own projection was out by 5.3%.

"AgraFNP has reinforced its commitment to providing high quality analysis and forecasting for the beef cattle industry," commented AgraFNP's Chief Executive Mauricio Mendes. "Accurate forecasts are fundamental to good performance in this industry, which is one of the most important for Brazilian agribusiness."

AgraFNP is the leading information specialist focusing on agribusiness and food markets in Brazil. Founded in 1990, AgraFNP's team of analysts and market experts produce a range of reports, studies and consultancy services for clients worldwide, and is publisher of Brazilian Meat Monitor.

AgraFNP is a division of Agra Informa Ltd., the leading global specialist on agribusiness and food policy, markets and trade.

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