Broiler Waste Causing Botulism in Cattle
UK - There has been an increase in the number of cases of botulism in cattle in Northern Ireland in recent years.Cattle could be exposed to botulism by spreading poultry litter |
Investigations by the Agri-Food and Biosciences Institute (AFBI), have provided strong circumstantial evidence that broiler litter is a risk factor for many of these outbreaks.
AFBI and the Department of Agriculture and Rural Development (DARD) have been working closely with the livestock and poultry sectors in Northern Ireland to help ensure that producers are aware of the most effective control measures. Reports from private veterinary surgeons, and a reducing number of submissions of suspect botulism cases to AFBI Veterinary Sciences Division, indicate that the various control measures already implemented by the industry are having a positive impact on the incidence of this disease. However, as cases continue to occur, AFBI wishes to advise farmers on the steps that may be taken to prevent botulism in cattle.
Cause of botulism
Botulism is caused by toxins produced by Clostridium botulinum bacteria. These organisms are commonly found in the environment and will grow to high levels in decaying organic matter including animal and bird carcases. It is believed that contamination of broiler litter with the carcases of chickens that have died from various causes during production can render the litter dangerous for cattle. It is speculated that even small fragments of carcases transferred onto pasture by scavenger animals such as foxes, dogs or crows, can pose a risk to grazing cattle. Scavengers may gain access to this material after it has been stacked outside or spread on pasture.It is important to note that there is no evidence that manure from laying hens has been associated with outbreaks of botulism in cattle.
Clinical signs of botulism
Cattle of all ages are susceptible to botulism, which is characterised by a progressive muscle weakness (paralysis). Affected animals may be weak, stagger about, or go down. In most cases the disease is fatal although some animals may recover. When a large amount of toxin has been ingested, the animal may be found dead without having shown any signs of disease.Control of botulism in cattle
Careful disposal of all animal or bird carcases and poultry litter is essential to minimise the risk of botulism to cattle. Poultry carcases should be promptly removed from the chicken house and disposed of by incineration, or rendering as required by EU Regulation No. 1774/2002. Following removal of the broiler crop, all poultry house doors should be kept closed until the litter is removed. The litter should not be removed from the house until it can be loaded directly onto spreading equipment, covered vehicles or immediately stacked and covered. At no time should it be accessible to dogs, foxes, crows or other scavengers that may carry carcases onto adjacent pasture or into cattle housing. Washings from poultry houses and yards should be collected in tanks rather than be allowed to flow onto adjacent land.Poultry litter should not be spread on agricultural land that is to be grazed, or from which silage or hay is to be harvested, in the same year. This is because fragments of carcases that could contain botulinum toxins can persist on pasture for a considerable time. If litter must be spread, it should be deep-ploughed into arable ground. If this is not an option and litter must be disposed off by spreading on pasture, cattle should not have access to the treated fields for at least several months. However, there is no guarantee that the treated fields would then be safe for cattle and it is important to remember that fragments of carcases on pasture may be transported by scavenger animals and birds to neighbouring fields. Spreading litter on a windy day may also pose a risk of contaminating adjacent fields.
Any animal or bird carcases, or portions of carcases, visible on pasture or in cattle houses should be promptly removed. Even small fragments of such material may be dangerous to cattle and should be disposed of by incineration or rendering, as required by current legislation.
Manure from laying hens may be spread on pasture, as there is no evidence that it presents a risk of botulism to cattle.
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