Despite Cattle Disease Brazilian Beef Exports Grow 26% to Another Record Year
BRAZIL - Brazilian beef exports should yield US$ 3.1 billion, up to the end of December this year, which represents an increase in 26% in relation to last year, despite several foot and mouth disease focuses in Brazil, since OctoberFrom January to the 18th of December this year, the country exported 2.29 million tons of beef to 176 countries. During the first eleven months in 2005, Russia was the greatest importer of Brazilian beef, with sales of US$ 530.4 million. Egypt came in second, importing US$ 223.8 million.
The Brazilian food industry is doing well. As well as the country currently being one of the greatest consuming markets in the world, Brazil has the potential to increase productivity and grow even more in the foreign market.
"We will be the world's barn," stated recently the president of the Brazilian National Union of the Animal Feed Industry (Sindirações), Mario Sergio Cutait.
According to information from the United Nations (UN) Food and Agriculture Organisation (FAO), it is estimated that today there are about 6 billion people in the world, but in 2050 there will be 9 billion. According to Cutait, Brazil may supply the larger part of the food demand created with the population growth
Source: Brazzil Magazine