Building A Beef Empire Ukrainian Style
US - Dan Eisenbraun and several of the engineers working at his Yankton engineering firm have been learning a lot about Ukrainian culture and language in recent months while they have been working with a company there to develop a 50,000 head cattle feedlot."There isn't much demand for beef in that country right now," Eisenbraun said. "And the beef they do have isn't the quality meat that we have here."
As he and his employees have traveled to the Ukraine, Eisenbraun noted that they saw very small herds of only five or six cattle grazing in small areas and tended by a farmer. Larger herds are not currently found there.
"Most of the people in rural areas farm small plots of ground and have just a few cows, a pig or two and some chickens," Eisenbraun said.
"They all seem to have large garden plots. There are fresh vegetables everywhere. By establishing this feedlot, this company would make beef much more available
Source: Sious City Journal